uploads/lower case.jpg

lower case adj. 小寫的。2.n. 小寫字母。3.vt. 用小寫...

lower class

The applications listening to the input topic include two that perform application - specific processes in response to a message namely converting the received text to upper and lower case , respectively : the first logs the receipt of messages to a 應用程序監聽輸入主題,包含兩個對消息響應的應用程序指定的流程(也就是分別的將接收的文本轉換為大寫體或小寫體) :第一個將收到的消息記錄在

Objective : to detect the main influencing factors of the low case detection rate of tuberculosis in chongqing municipality , thus to provide evidence for developing the more practical and effective case detection mode 摘要目的:運用定性研究方法找出重慶地區肺結核病人低發現率的主要影響因素,為提出有效的病人發現模式提供依據,提高病人發現率。

If the package name contains more than one hyphen , then the area between the first set of hyphens must be either an lsb provider name registered with lanana , or your fully - qualified domain name in lower case 如果軟件包的名稱包含的連字符不止一個,那么第一組連字符之間的區域必須是在lanana注冊的lsb供應商名稱或者是小寫的全限定的域名。

Results : to be lack of governmental financial support and screening to high - risk group , and inconvenient transportation etc . were main influencing factors of low case detection rate 結果:政府財政投入不足、高危人群篩查工作開展不足、醫療費用過高、交通不便等因素是制約重慶市結核病人發現工作的主要因素,其中政府財政投入不足影響最大。

Good passwords are commonly defined as a random mix of letters upper and lower case , numbers , and symbols at least eight characters in length - longer is better , meaning in this case harder to guess or crack 健壯的密碼的定義通常指至少八個字符長度越長越好,在這里意味著更難猜或破解的字母(大寫和小寫) 、數字和符號的隨機組合。

Since xhtml is case sensitive , and since xhtml only accepts lower case html tags and attribute names , a general search and replace function was executed to replace all upper case tags with lowercase tags 自從xhtml區分大小寫并只接受小寫html標簽和屬性后,查找所有大寫標簽并替換成小寫標簽的工作開始了。

The case first attribute controls whether upper case characters collate before or after lower case characters , in the absence of other differences in the two text strings 大小寫優先屬性控制在兩個文本字符串中沒有其他差異的情況下,大寫字符排列在小寫字符前面還是后面。

Informix dynamic server converts the schema owner to uppercase for ansi databases , but the jdbc driver converts the schema owner to lower case Informix dynamic server把模式擁有者轉換為大寫,以便用于ansi數據庫,但是jdbc驅動程序卻將模式擁有者轉換為小寫。

As normal , all characters in the user id must be in lower case without any space or symbol and the first character should be in english characters between a - z 所有登入名稱則維持必須以小楷填寫及不含任何空格或符號,以及首個字母亦必須為英文字母a至z 。

Both our high and low cases reflect the beneficial effects that these developments , if sustained for three to five years would have on inflation and growth 我們的高速和低速兩種方案都反映出上述發展如持續3 - 5年對通貨膨脹和經濟增長等方面的有益影響。

Note : all of the commands above can also be expressed with lower letters . capital letters means absolutely positioned , lower cases means relatively positioned 注意:上面所有的命令也可以表示成小寫形式。大寫字母表示絕對位置,小寫字母表示相對位置。

Base64 encoding uses a 65 character subset of ascii , encompassing the upper and lower case letters , the numeric digits , and a few punctuation characters Base64編碼使用由ascii中65個字符組成的一個子集,包括大小寫字母、數字和一些標點字符。

There is almost no difference between the lower case first setting and the off setting , so typically there is no need to use the lower case first setting 在小寫優先設置和關閉這個屬性之間幾乎沒有任何差異,所以通常不需要使用小寫優先設置。

If the script has no concept of upper / lower cases ( which is almost the case for non - latin scripts ) , rare characters may be put in the shift positions 如果文字沒有大小寫的概念(對于非拉丁文字基本都如此) ,少見的字符可以放在上檔鍵位上。

Programs that use lower case for standard definition names or depend on the case - sensitivity properties of a system have an environmental dependency 使用小寫的標準定義名字的程式或依靠一個系統大小寫敏感度的程式有環境的相依性

Windows has an additional problem : some filenames ignoring the extension and upper lower case are always considered physical devices Windows還有另外一個問題:一些文件名(忽略擴展名和字母的大小寫)總是被認為是物理設備。

Write your messages just like you would a sales letter . use upper and lower case letters ( not all capitals ) and complete words ( no abbreviations ) 讓你的推廣信看起來像推廣信,不要全用大寫字母,也不要用縮寫,寫全稱。

Write your messages just like you would a sales letter . use upper and lower case letters ( not all capitals ) and complete words ( no abbreiations ) 讓你的推廣信看起來像推廣信,不要全用大寫字母,也不要用縮寫,寫全稱。

Please check the address ( url ) , making sure that upper and lower case letters , dots and slashes are entered correctly . then please try again 請檢查網址( url ) ,確保大、小寫字母、點號和斜線號輸入正確,然后重新再試。